軍や警察からいわれのない暴力を受ける子どもやストリートチルドレン、不当に刑務所に収容されている子どもや、性産業・家庭で虐待を受けた少女たちに安心して暮らせる場所を提供しようと活動を開始しました。また、フィリピンのマンゴー産業が不当な買い叩きにあっていることを知り、フェアトレードマンゴーの販売を始めました。 子どもたちの保護、教育、セラピー、自立支援活動を行うと共に、 安心して暮らせる家庭をつくるためにフェアトレードで親たちが収入を得て生計を立てられるように農家たちをサポートしています。
●カレン神父からのメッセージ ~子供たちを救う1票を~
Sen. Sonny Angara sensonnyangara@yahoo.com
Sen. Gregorio Honasan II piu0720@yahoo.com, gringobhonasan@gmail.com
Sen. Loren Legarda loren@lorenlegarda.com.ph, appointments@osl.ph
Sen. Ralph Recto ralphgrecto@gmail.com
Sen. Cynthia Villar sencynthiavillar@gmail.com
Dear Senators:
© Mayumi Ishii / People Tree
軍や警察からいわれのない暴力を受ける子どもやストリートチルドレン、不当に刑務所に収容されている子どもや、性産業・家庭で虐待を受けた少女たちに安心して暮らせる場所を提供しようと活動を開始しました。また、フィリピンのマンゴー産業が不当な買い叩きにあっていることを知り、フェアトレードマンゴーの販売を始めました。 子どもたちの保護、教育、セラピー、自立支援活動を行うと共に、 安心して暮らせる家庭をつくるためにフェアトレードで親たちが収入を得て生計を立てられるように農家たちをサポートしています。
●カレン神父からのメッセージ ~子供たちを救う1票を~
Sen. Sonny Angara sensonnyangara@yahoo.com
Sen. Gregorio Honasan II piu0720@yahoo.com, gringobhonasan@gmail.com
Sen. Loren Legarda loren@lorenlegarda.com.ph, appointments@osl.ph
Sen. Ralph Recto ralphgrecto@gmail.com
Sen. Cynthia Villar sencynthiavillar@gmail.com
Dear Senators:
The Philippines is facing a historical decision regarding its millions of young children under the age of fifteen. Their future is in your rational decision that will save thousands of young innocent children twelve to fifteen years of age from jail.
They will be put on trial charged with criminal acts if you vote to lower the age of criminal liability. Please do not vote to lower the age. Instead, protect the children and uphold the present law.
The nation, child rights advocates and the parents of hundreds of millions of young children will remember you and your vote as the ones who turned the Senate in favor of children and did not act against their best interest. History will remember your vote as the vote that saved these children from jails. More than 300 civil society organizations have signed and published an open letter appealing to you not to lower the age. Majority of Filipinos said they are against lowering the age. The international community is against it.
They are just children and have no knowledge or culpability of what they will do. This is due to their lack of education and being exposed to the bad example of adults and influence by a corrupt society. You as honorable senators are called to protect children from harm and not to expose them to harm. Please do not vote to lower the age. Do not condemn the children to jails.
There are almost no decent government homes or Bahay Pag-asa for children in conflict with the law. The children are placed behind bars in cages without help or hope or education or proper food. This incarceration is illegal under all Philippine child protection laws and international law.
But it happens now and everyday hundreds of children as young as ten years of age are jailed.
They languish in subhuman conditions, become sick and are abandoned behind bars for no crime. They are sexually abused by older youth in small, overcrowded cells. This is happening now, today. This is a serious violation of the human rights and dignity of children. We rescue as many as we can and they tell us of the abuse they suffer. Please allow them to testify, view the photos attached.
The vast majority of children are jailed for simple misdemeanors like breaking curfew, taking fruit in the market, sniffing glue to ease pain and because they are hungry. They are on the streets because their parents are beating them at home or sexually abusing them and they have to run away.
Your vote will be as historical and significant as the Senate voted to remove the US military bases in 1992. You have the swing votes to save the children. We hope you will make a stand, change history and protect the children by making an enlightened and rational vote by saying NO to lowering he minimum age of criminal liability of the little children.
On behalf of hundreds of civil society organizations and the majority of the Filipino people who said in a survey they do not approve the lowering of the age whereby their children can be put on trial and jailed, please vote No.
They will be put on trial charged with criminal acts if you vote to lower the age of criminal liability. Please do not vote to lower the age. Instead, protect the children and uphold the present law.
The nation, child rights advocates and the parents of hundreds of millions of young children will remember you and your vote as the ones who turned the Senate in favor of children and did not act against their best interest. History will remember your vote as the vote that saved these children from jails. More than 300 civil society organizations have signed and published an open letter appealing to you not to lower the age. Majority of Filipinos said they are against lowering the age. The international community is against it.
They are just children and have no knowledge or culpability of what they will do. This is due to their lack of education and being exposed to the bad example of adults and influence by a corrupt society. You as honorable senators are called to protect children from harm and not to expose them to harm. Please do not vote to lower the age. Do not condemn the children to jails.
There are almost no decent government homes or Bahay Pag-asa for children in conflict with the law. The children are placed behind bars in cages without help or hope or education or proper food. This incarceration is illegal under all Philippine child protection laws and international law.
But it happens now and everyday hundreds of children as young as ten years of age are jailed.
They languish in subhuman conditions, become sick and are abandoned behind bars for no crime. They are sexually abused by older youth in small, overcrowded cells. This is happening now, today. This is a serious violation of the human rights and dignity of children. We rescue as many as we can and they tell us of the abuse they suffer. Please allow them to testify, view the photos attached.
The vast majority of children are jailed for simple misdemeanors like breaking curfew, taking fruit in the market, sniffing glue to ease pain and because they are hungry. They are on the streets because their parents are beating them at home or sexually abusing them and they have to run away.
Your vote will be as historical and significant as the Senate voted to remove the US military bases in 1992. You have the swing votes to save the children. We hope you will make a stand, change history and protect the children by making an enlightened and rational vote by saying NO to lowering he minimum age of criminal liability of the little children.
On behalf of hundreds of civil society organizations and the majority of the Filipino people who said in a survey they do not approve the lowering of the age whereby their children can be put on trial and jailed, please vote No.
上院議員 各位フィリピンは今、15歳未満の何百万人もの子どもたちに関する歴史的な決断に直面しています。彼らの未来は貴殿の理性ある決断にかかっています。その決断によって、12歳から15歳に至るまでの、何千人もの無実の若者たちを刑務所から救い出すことができます。もし貴殿が刑事責任を問うべき年齢の引き下げに賛成すれば、こうした子どもたちは犯罪行為の責任を問われ、裁判にかけられることになるのです。そうではなく、子どもたちを守り、現行の法律を支持していただきたいのです。国民、子どもの権利擁護者、そして幼い子どもを持つ何億人もの親たちは、子どもたちのために議会を動かし、子どもたちの利益に反するような行動をとらなかった人物として、貴殿と貴殿の決断を忘れることはないでしょう。貴殿の決断は、子どもたちを刑務所から救い出した行為として歴史に刻まれるでしょう。300を超える市民団体が年齢引き下げに賛成しないよう陳述する公開書簡に署名し、すでに貴殿に提出しています。フィリピン国民の大半が年齢引き下げには反対だと言っています。国際社会もこれに反対しています。
法に抵触した子どものために、国の施設であるBahay Pat-asaがありますが、そのほとんどは適切な施設ではありません。子どもたちは、救いも希望もない、そして教育も適切な食事も与えられない状態で監房の中に収容されています。子どもの保護に関するフィリピンのすべての法律の下、そして国際法の下で、このような収容は違法です。にもかかわらず、10歳ほどの何百人もの幼い子どもたちが、今も実際に収容されています。
創設者/代表 シェイ・カレン 事務局長 フランシス・ベルミド
上院議員 各位フィリピンは今、15歳未満の何百万人もの子どもたちに関する歴史的な決断に直面しています。
法に抵触した子どものために、国の施設であるBahay Pat-asaがありますが、そのほとんどは適切な施設ではありません。子どもたちは、救いも希望もない、そして教育も適切な食事も与えられない状態で監房の中に収容されています。子どもの保護に関するフィリピンのすべての法律の下、そして国際法の下で、このような収容は違法です。にもかかわらず、10歳ほどの何百人もの幼い子どもたちが、今も実際に収容されています。
創設者/代表 シェイ・カレン 事務局長 フランシス・ベルミド

© Mayumi Ishii / People Tree